December 04, 2007

How I learned to stop worrying and love my hair

I start out liking a hairstyle. We date for a while and then I fall in love with it. Eventually the honeymoon is over – it's not doing a thing for me, but I'm stuck with it. Finally, I fall out of love with it and want a divorce. Then I move on to the next hairstyle.

I recently divorced a hairstyle, and moved on to the next one, which got me thinking about how to stop worrying and love my hair. This isn't very scientific, but I thought I would share my strategies for dealing with it.

1. Hair grows in a spiral.
Keeping that in mind helps me realize that no matter how hard I try to create a perfectly symmetrical style, I'm fighting nature. Just let it go.

2. Use your texture to its best advantage.
I just tried the sleek, short bob like Katie Holmes sports, and if I took the time to style it I liked it. When I didn't, I thought it looked horrible and I felt self-conscious. The reason is that my hair has a bit of natural wave to it, so it wants to do its own thing – not Katie's thing. I talked to my stylist about it and we came up with a style that uses my wave to my advantage.

3. No one EVER thinks your hair looks as bad as you do. Even if I think I'm having a bad hair day, other people don't think that much about it. They're busy worrying about their own hair.

4. Don't let your "The Bob" have a vote.
A lot of women will probably have problems with this part. If I let Bob have a vote, my hair would be to my waist in the back. At my height, this would just look silly. In my experience, guys like a women who a.) is confident that she looks good and b.) doesn't spend a lot of time complaining about her hair.

I am not saying that I am not eventually going to leave this hairstyle for another one, but I do know that as the years go by I am learning to stop worrying and love my hair.

1 comment:

LAC said...

So true.
I love the length of mine until a haircut. But its got to get cut to stay healthy.

Wouldn't it be nice if we all could have a personal stylist who follows us around all day, like Katie. lol.

Happy Holidays!