Hard boiling eggs is one of those little things that seems to stymie many people. But take heart. No one is born knowing how to do it, but it's actually very easy. Here's my foolproof method of hard boiling eggs.
1. Place eggs in a saucepan, and cover with cold water.
2. Put on the stove and bring to the boiling point – and by boiling I mean big, rolling bubbles.
3. Cover and move off the heat, and set a timer for 12 minutes. (The American Egg Board says 15 for large eggs, so maybe my eggs are more like medium size, cause 12 minutes works for me every time.)
4. Run the eggs under cold water until they are cool to the touch, and refrigerate.
That's it! If you can run water and turn on the stove, you have the skills.
Bonus…deviled eggs recipe. I vary this a lot, and so can you, but my basic recipe calls for mayo, sweet pickle relish, a dash of Dijon mustard, and salt and pepper. Cut your eggs in half, scoop out the yellow, and mash them with a fork. Mix in the mayo - I usually go for about the same amount of mayo as I have egg yolks. Then add some Dijon and relish. I use about a 1 to 4 ratio of mustard to mayo. Salt and pepper and then taste it. Adjust as needed to your taste. Then spoon a healthy dollop of the yellow yumminess back into the whites. Sprinkle with a little paprika if you like, and be prepared to take compliments.
You will need to know how to hard boil eggs to make my EXTRA wonderful Scotch Eggs...one of the best party tray recipes ever. Look for it soon!
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