September 28, 2006

A cup of joe for a lot less dough.

I have about a 20 minute commute to work in the morning. For a long time I stopped at our local drive-thru coffee shop and got a 20 oz. black coffee to go. Where I live, that cost me about $2 with tip. I was spending at least $40 a month on my morning coffee! Once the jitters wore off, I decided to find a way to reduce that cost – but going without my wakeup cup was not an option.

I tried making coffee at home and taking it in a travel mug. The drawback was, I would often forget to bring the mug home. On the days I did bring it home, I had to wash it, which made me miss the throwaway convenience of the coffee shop cups. No muss no fuss.

So I had an idea! I went to my local club store and purchased the exact same Dixie® 20 oz. cups and lids I got from the coffee shop – for an average of about 10¢ per cup. You can find the lids and cups at club stores or restaurant supply stores, or even online. So I save money and I have the convenience of a disposable cup.

I am not always the best at money saving, but this idea made very little impact for farily significant savings, without any complicated budgeting routine. And this way, I can justify that new top I need for this fall!

1 comment:

Peg said...

Excellent! I use those too, for the exact same reason--no fuss, no muss, and best of all--no cleaning the three day old coffee out of the travel mug!